Installing the ESXi Driver

This procedure has the following steps:

Enable Remote Login on the ESXi Server

To enable remote login on the ESXi server:

  1. From the VMware vSphere client, select the ESXi server in the inventory.
  2. From the Configuration tab, select Software > Security Profile.
  3. In the Services section, click the Properties link.
  4. In the Remote Access pane of the Services Properties dialog, select ESXi Shell.
  5. At the I/O Redirectory Options dialog, select the desired startup policy, and then click Start.
  6. Click OK to close the dialog.
  7. After verifying that the selected startup policy shows as 'Running' in the Daemon column of the Service Properties dialog, click OK to close the dialog.

Copy the ESXi Installation Package to the ESXi Server

This step requires WinSCP (Windows Secure Copy). If you do not have this program installed on your local PC, download and install it before proceeding.

To copy the ESXi installation package to the ESXi server:

  1. In the WinSCP Login screen, select SCP as the file protocol.
  2. Enter the ESXi server's IP address along with the administrator user name and password for the server, and click Login.

  3. In the left pane of the WinSCP Login window, navigate to the directory on your local PC that contains the downloaded PCoIP Hardware Accelerator driver installation package. In the right pane, navigate to the /tmp directory on the ESXi server.
  4. Copy the installation package from the PC to the ESXi server by dragging it over.

Install the ESXi Driver

  Note: Ensure ESXi server is in Maintenance Mode

Ensure the ESXi server is in Maintenance Mode before proceeding. For details, see Installing the PCoIP Hardware Accelerator in the Server.

To install the ESXi driver:

  1. Using an SSH client from your local PC (for example, PuTTY), connect to the ESXi server.
  2. Navigate to the /tmp folder, and install the ESXi driver package using the following syntax:
    esxcli software vib install -d /tmp/<ESXi driver package filename>.zip

    After a few minutes, the installation result is displayed. It should report that two VIBs (vSphere Installation Bundles) were installed, as shown next.

     Note: Put ESXi server in Maintenance Mode

    If you do not put the ESXi server in Maintenance Mode, the installation output will indicate that two VIBs were skipped.

  3. When you see the "completed successfully" message, type reboot at the prompt to restart the ESXi server.

Exit Maintenance Mode

To exit maintenance mode:

  1. From the VMware vSphere client, right-click on the ESXi server in the inventory.
  2. Select Exit Maintenance Mode from the context menu.