Software Client for Linux Administrators' Guide

Anyware Software Client Security Modes

The Anyware Software Client uses certificates to verify the identity of the host to which it connects. The security mode is configured by the security_mode setting in the Anyware Client configuration file or by setting its value in the pre-session user interface.

Three security mode options are available:

Level Setting value Description
High 2 Full verification is required; users cannot connect unless a certificate can be verified.
Medium 1 Warn but allow (default). If the certificate cannot be verified, warn the user, but allow them to connect.
Low 0 Always allow; verification is not required.

PCoIP sessions are always encrypted

Your PCoIP session is still encrypted and secure if you connect with security mode 0 or 1. The red padlock icon indicates that the certificate presented by the host is not signed by a trusted certificate authority in the client’s certificate store, not that the session is insecure.

Setting the Security Mode

To set the security mode using the pre-session interface:

  1. Disconnect any active PCoIP sessions and return to the pre-session interface.

  2. Click the gear icon to open the settings window:

  3. Click Advanced in the left side menu, and find Security Modes in the right panel.

  4. Select the desired security mode.

To set the security mode programmatically:

  1. Open ~/.config/Teradici/Teradici PCoIP Client.ini in a text editor.

  2. Add a line that specifies the security_mode and sets the level:

    security_mode = <value>

    ...where <value> is the integer corresponding to the desired security level (0, 1, or 2).

  3. Save the file and close the editor.

Last updated: Saturday, November 16, 2024