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PCoIP Software Client Security Modes

The PCoIP Software Client uses certificates to verify the identity of the host to which it connects. The security mode is configured by the security_mode setting in the Teradici PCoIP Client configuration file, which is described next. Three security mode options are available:

  • security_mode=0: verification is not required A red, unlocked padlock icon appears on the client login screen.
  • security_mode=1: warn but allow (default) If a certificate cannot be verified, an 'untrusted server' warning displays and a red, unlocked padlock icon appears on the client login screen. Users still have the option of connecting.

This mode is used if security_mode is not set in the configuration file.

  • security_mode=2: full verification is required Users cannot connect unless a certificate can be verified.

    PCoIP sessions are always encrypted

    Your PCoIP session is still encrypted and secure if you connect with security mode 0 or 1. The red padlock icon indicates that the certificate presented by the host is not signed by a trusted certificate authority in the client’s certificate store, not that the session is insecure.

Setting the Security Mode

Use the following procedure to set the PCoIP Software Client's security mode.

To set the security mode for the PCoIP Software Client:

  1. Close the PCoIP Software Client.
  2. Open a terminal window and type the following command at the command line:
sudo defaults write "/Library/Preferences/com.teradici.Teradici PCoIP Client.plist" security_mode <value>

where valueis your desired security option (0, 1, or 2). This command is for system wide scope, please refer to the System Precedence section for further information on systems scope.

Reboot May Be Required

After running the above command, you may be required to reboot your machine for this change to take effect.