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Installing the Software Client for Windows

In this section, you will learn how to install and uninstall the Software Client for Windows for Windows.

Before You Begin

Before installing the Software Client for Windows:

  • You must be logged in as an administrator to the client machine.
  • Close any existing Software Client for Windows applications.

Installation Options

You can install the Software Client for Windows with the provided Windows installation wizard or from the command line.

Installing the Software Client Using the Wizard

  1. Double-click the Software Client for Windows installer executable (pcoip-client.exe) to begin installation.

  2. Follow the prompts to specify installation locations, and to agree to any licenses.

    Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package

    The libraries in this package are required by the Software Client for Windows. If they aren't already installed, a wizard will launch and install them for you.

  3. Click Finish to complete installation and close the installer.

Installing Software Client for Windows Silently from the Command-line

  • Run the installer executable from the command line:

    <path-to-installer>\pcoip-client.exe /S`

    where <path-to-installer> is the full path to the folder containing the pcoip-client.exe executable.

    Silent installation uses default options

    The silent installer uses default settings and options. For example, a silent installation won't create a desktop shortcut.

Updating the Software Client

To upgrade to a newer version of the Software Client for Windows, download and install the new version in place. You do not need to uninstall your current version; your settings will be preserved.

Uninstalling the Software Client

  1. Click Start (or Search Windows for Windows 10).

  2. In the search box, type Add or remove programs and press Enter.

  3. Select Teradici PCoIP Client from the list of programs.

  4. Click the Uninstall/Change button above the list.

Troubleshooting PCoIP Session Connection Issues

If you encounter issues with your PCoIP Session, please see the following KB article: This article details some potential causes and fixes for common connection issues.

Installing the Software Client in Silent Mode

The following section outlines how to install the PCoIP Software Client in silent mode. To perform the silent installation, you must first authorize the application to run in silent mode. On Windows computers, use the /S switch on the command line when launching the installer in the Windows CMD Prompt as outlined in the following example:

C:\Downloads\pcoip-client_21.03.0.exe /S