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Installing the Client USB Package for Windows

USB support in Windows applications is provided by the Client USB package. The Client USB package installs a filter driver that attaches to USB hub driver instances. This filter driver enables the PCoIP client software to take ownership of USB devices, so they can be forwarded to the host. The Client USB package must be installed if you want to integrate USB features into your client.

To install the Client USB package:

  1. Open a command line window.
  2. Enter the following command (all as one line):

{working directory}\pcoip_client_sdk_
installer.exe /noreboot /autoclose /D={path}

  • {working_directory} is the location where the pcoip_client_sdk_session was unpacked.
  • /noreboot suppresses the recommendation to reboot after install.
  • /autoclose automatically closes the installer after installation.
  • /D={path} specifies the base path for installation.

An Uninstaller is automatically created

An uninstaller will be placed at {path}\USB\.

Silent Mode

To install or uninstall without pop-up messages, use the \S parameter when running the installer.

For example, this command will install the USB package under C:\Program Files (x86)\Teradici\PCoIP Client\:

{working directory}\pcoip_client_sdk_session\product\windows\x86\Release\usb\PCoIP_Client_USB_installer.exe
/noreboot /autoclose /D="C:\Program Files (x86)\Teradici\PCoIP Client"