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Initiate Broker Connection Flow

To initiate the broker connection with the Broker Client API example, set up your **login_info.txt** file and then call broker_client_example.exe using login_info.txt as an argument.

  1. Open login_info.txt in a text editor.

  2. Add the following information, in this order, separated by spaces:

    • The FQDN of the host server
    • The server domain
    • The User name
    • The User password
    • The Host name
  3. Save the text file.

  4. Open Command-line and run the following command:

    broker_client_example -i login_info.txt
    The Broker Client API example will display a status message similar to the one shown below:

Connected Successfully.
Desktop ID : sal-w7p64-sa15.autolab.local
ip_addr :
port : 4172
session_id : 2305843009213693954
sni : SAL-W7P64-SA15
URI: "teradici-pcoip://
2305843009213693954&sni=SAL-W7P64-SA15", PARAMETERS: "connect-tag=SCS1fw0Zbk%2bEu7q2iz0%2fM7mxfEE52au%2f3Jedtgp16L%2frA8iB00%2bE

Launching the Session Client from Broker Client API Example

Use the -l switch (lowercase L, for launch) to have the Broker Client API example invoke the session client. This allows for invoking the Session Client API without worrying about the 60-second connect tag window.

  1. Open a command prompt and change directory to bin.

  2. Run the command line client, providing the login_info.txt file as an argument:

    broker_client_example -i login_info.txt -l