Debugging a Crash

The following steps outline how to debug a crash in broker_client_example.exe:

  1. Open Visual Studio 2013.
  2. Select File>Open>File.
  3. From the file selection diaglog, browse to the .dmp file and open it. !!! tip "Setting the Symbol Path" If the .pdb files are not found, the path should be specified in the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable, or, locate the Actions box and choose Set symbol paths at the top-right corner of the summary pagem and configure the path there.
  4. Locate the Actions box at the top-right corner of the summary and click Debug with Native Only to start debugging.
  5. If Visual Studio cannot find the path to the source file, it will present an alert dialog and enable you to manually specify the path. If this occurs, provide the actual path to the source files. If you do not have the files, click Cancel to proceed without them.
  6. Locate the location of the crash under the Call Stack tab in the Visual Studio debugging window.