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Installing for Online Environments

The following sections outline how to install the Modern Connection Manager and Security Gateway 22.07.

Before You Begin

Before you proceed with installation, note the following:

  • Docker must be installed before you begin. For instructions, see About Docker.

  • Make sure ports TCP:80, TCP:443, TCP:4172, and UDP:4172 are open:

    firewall-cmd  --add-port 80/tcp
    firewall-cmd  --add-port 443/tcp
    firewall-cmd  --add-port 4172/tcp
    firewall-cmd  --add-port 4172/udp
  • If you will be using IPv6, set up the required port forwarding rules:

    # Add port forwarding rules
    firewall-cmd  --add-forward-port=port=443:proto=tcp:toport=8443
    firewall-cmd  --add-forward-port=port=80:proto=tcp:toport=8080
    firewall-cmd  --add-rich-rule='rule family=ipv6 forward-port protocol=tcp port=443 to-port=8443'
    firewall-cmd  --add-rich-rule='rule family=ipv6 forward-port protocol=tcp port=80  to-port=8080'
    # Make the new settings persistent
    firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent
  • If your environment has podman or buildah installed, uninstall them before proceeding.

    sudo dnf erase podman buildah -y

Install PCoIP Modern Connection Manager and PCoIP Security Gateway

  1. On the machine that will host the PCoIP Connection Manager and PCoIP Security Gateway, open a browser and go to the PCoIP Connection Manager and PCoIP Security Gateway download page.

  2. Click Downloads and scripts:

    Downloads and scripts

    If you see a login button instead, click it to log into the site and then proceed.

  3. Accept the End User License Agreement, then click Set Up Repository:

    Set up repository.

    The window will expand and show the setup scripts for each supported operating system. Copy the command for your system to the clipboard.

  4. Open a console window and paste in the command you copied in the previous step. You may need to press Enter to execute it.

    The command fetches a configuration script from our servers and runs it locally, setting up and configuring the repository on the local machine.

  5. Install the PCoIP Connection Manager and PCoIP Security Gateway package:

    sudo dnf install pcoip-cmsg-setup
  6. After the package is installed locally, run the pcoip-cmsg-setup install command with the required flags to complete installation.

    sudo pcoip-cmsg-setup install <installation_flags>

    Important: Required installation flags

    There are a number of options and settings available. You can invoke the install command with the --help flag to list them:

    pcoip-cmsg-setup install --help

    They are also listed in the next section.

    The install command will prompt you for required parameters that have not been supplied via flags.

Installation Flags and Options

The following flags can be used to provide values at the command line. Flags that are required are identified in the description.

Boolean values should be provided as either true or false, lowercased, as in this example:

Flag                                                        Type Description
--accept-policies Boolean Automatically accepts the EULA and Privacy Policy.
--broker-url String The URL of the PCoIP Broker, specified either as a https://: or https://: or https://[]:.
‑‑ca-cert String The full path and filename of the custom Certificate Authority's public certificate to be used in the PCoIP Connection Manager and PCoIP Security Gateway.
Required if --self-signed is not used.
--compose-file String Specify the full path to a local docker-compose file.
--darksite-bundle-path string The path of darksite install bundle to be used for darksite installation
--docker-password String Password to login to private registry.
‑‑docker-registry String Specifies the Teradici source for Cloud Access Connector images to be install from.
Debugging only: This is intended to be used for debugging purposes and should not be used without guidance from Teradici support. Using this flag incorrectly can result in failed installations.
‑‑docker-username String Username to login to private registry.
--enable-collaboration Boolean Allow multiple PCoIP clients to collaborate on a PCoIP agent. (default true)
‑‑enable-ipv6 Boolean Enables IPv6 connections (default false).
To enable IPv6 use --enable-ipv6=true.
To disable IPv6 use --enable-ipv6=false, or omit this flag.
‑‑external-pcoip-ip StringArray Sets the public IP address of Security Gateway.
If --enable-ipv6 is true, this option may be used twice (once for IPv4 and once for IPv6).
Required if PCoIP Security Gateway is enabled
‑‑enable-security-gateway Boolean Enable and use the PCoIP Security Gateway (default true).
‑‑help Lists all available flags.
--host-address stringArray Sets the host FQDN/IP address. The option may be used twice (once for the IP address and once for the FQDN)
--ignore-disk-req Boolean Ignore the check for the minimum disk space requirement.
--license-server-url String The address of the locally installed PCoIP License Server.
Example: https://<license-server-address>:<port>
--self-signed Boolean Automatically generate self-signed SSL cert and key for testing purposes. If specified, --ssl-key and --ssl-cert options are ignored.
‑‑ssl-cert String The full path and filename of the SSL certificate to be used in the PCoIP Connection Manager and PCoIP Security Gateway.
Required if --self-signed is not used.
‑‑ssl-key String The full path and filename of the SSL key to be used in the PCoIP Connection Manager and PCoIP Security Gateway.
Required if --self-signed is not used.
‑‑docker-network-cidr Sets CIDR for Connection Manager's docker network for services. If default docker network IP range is conflict with intranet, this option should be used to solve the confliction

About Docker

The PCoIP Connection Manager and PCoIP Security Gateway depends on Docker 20.10.0 or higher, which must be installed on the machine before you install the PCoIP Connection Manager and PCoIP Security Gateway.

If you have not installed Docker yet, install it now.

If you are not sure if Docker is installed, or are not sure what Docker version you have, verify your Docker version first.

Verifying Docker Version

To verify your Docker installation and version:

  1. SSH into the machine.

  2. Open a console window and run the following command:

    sudo docker -v
    • If Docker is not installed, this command will produce an error. Installation instructions are provided in the next section.

    • If you see a version number that is lower than 20.10.0, you must uninstall Docker and then re-install the supported version. Instructions for uninstalling and installing are provided in the next section.

    • If you see a version number that is equal to or higher than 20.10.0, you have a compatible version of Docker already installed and can skip to PCoIP Connection Manager and PCoIP Security Gateway installation.

Uninstalling Docker

You'll only need to do this if you have an unsupported version of Docker already on the machine. If you haven't installed Docker yet, skip this section.

To uninstall Docker:

  1. SSH into the machine.

  2. Open a console window and run the following command:

    sudo dnf remove docker docker-client docker-client-latest docker-common docker-latest docker-latest-logrotate docker-logrotate docker-engine docker-ce docker-ce-cli runc
  3. When uninstalling is complete, proceed to Installing Docker.

Installing Docker

To install Docker:

If you do not have Docker installed, or if the Docker version is too low, install it using the following procedure:

  1. SSH into the machine that will host the PCoIP Connection Manager and PCoIP Security Gateway.

  2. Open a console window, and run the following command. This will remove the podman and buildah packages if they are installed (these packages conflict with Docker):

    sudo dnf remove podman buildah
  3. Run the following commands in the same console window. Note that if you copy and paste these commands into the console, you may need to press Enter again to execute the last command:

    sudo dnf install -y dnf-utils
    sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo
    sudo dnf install docker-ce docker-ce-cli
  4. Confirm installation:

    sudo docker -v